Sebastien Girello won Amateur Ski Lites at the 2020 IJSBA World Finals and the very next day also won 10/12 Junior Stock Lites. The successful young man talks exclusively to : “Hi Vasilis. This is Sébastien, it’s my first time racing Amateur Ski Lites. Last minute decision. I did good in moto 1 with a good start and ended up 4th. On moto 2 I got a very good start and end up 3rd and made my way up to first. In Moto 3 I got a good start and ended 3rd and stayed 3rd the whole race. These results got me the world title and I’m very happy with myself. I would like to thank these sponsors: GoFastus, Cometic Gasket, Works H2O Desings, Scott Goggles, Bell helmets, RizNwild, BP Concepts, Quakysense, Jettrim and Blowsion.”