R&D Racing will close and cease business operations on Thursday September 27th, 2018. In January 1993 this ad was published in Personal Watercraft Illustrated was the first part Hot Products distributed for Glenn Dickinson and Bill Chapin of R&D Racing. The Kawasaki 440/550 Aquavein scoop grate was the beginning to our great relationship that not only benefited both our companies but more
importantly help build our great sport and industry. Hot Products and all of our dealers around the world would like to say thank you for your contribution to the PWC sport and industry, it would not be what it is today without all the great R&D Racing products. Hot Products is working with R&D daily and will have a part availability update after the 2018 Blowsion IJSBA World Finals, if you are looking
for R&D Racing parts please contact Hot Products. We wish both Glenn and Bill great success in all your future endeavors. Hot Products: Scott Saito, Tom Perry, Tak Saito and Shuhei Nishiguchi