Now we are talking about something that has a totally different feeling. I have heard a lot about Hydrospace and I have not ridden a Stock or Riva version. Though, this one was powerful it still had a turbo lag at low rpm not too much to worry about. Still you need to have this in mind when you hit on the brakes prior to going around the buoy, so you hit the throttle much earlier than on a two stroke. The power was coming out in a linear way without hitting hard on any particular range. The new designed ride plate made a big difference in the way that this craft was cornering. It was aggressive and sharp much more than any other stand up I rode that Monday. As soon as I was thinking to turn, it was turning. Though, you need to practice a lot in order to find the point that the power output and the steering will cooperate properly. I mean that sometimes when you want to correct your lines the engine does not respond at the same time, so you may loose your track or even fall as it happened to another journalist quite a lot of times. When I was turning around the buoy it was tracking well but straight line stability needs some improvement. In the future we will see better performance out of this craft if someone would take the time and put it back together as it had been designed to be.
>Hydrospace S4: Brice Lopez #4