Specially tuned from the JFC Team of Pascal Barriac the new X-2 gets you all excited with its race breed performance. Its lightweight feeling and great handling enables you to get it into maximum lean when you go round the buoy. The power band is flawless, crispy enough to get you out of the turn but not too abrupt in order to bring arm pump to your hands. Straight-line stability is not an issue for the X-2 even at its maximum speed of 53-54mph. The Neken bars are quite wide enabling the rider to lean it on the curve with great feeling and good response. Body shifting plays a key role to the handling and to the way that the pump hooks up. You can change direction from one side to the other instantly, the R&D plate and intake grate enhance this performance in great respect. The newly X-2 Cup that is organized by Pascal Barriac in France along with Kawasaki France is bound to be a very exciting race series.
>MaccRacing Ultra LX Turbo
The workshop of the well known American pwc racer Chris MacClugage, has worked hard during the winter season in order to produce a turbo system for the new Kawasaki Ultra 250 LX. Additionally, MacClugage has cooperated with R&Ds Bill Chapin in order to design and fabricate new sponsons, ride plate and intake grate for the particular craft for Off-shore use. For the time being, MaccRacing has currently available a new billet aluminum steering system for the Ultra that costs approximately $680. MacClugage and his team are already on their way to Guadalupe for their first Off-shore race. Under Gellery you will see MacClugages race craft.
>Group K restoring
The American firm Group K is a well known company in the pwc scene and its famous for the hop up kits as well as the restorations done to pwc engines. Additionally, it designs and fabricates special parts in order to achieve better engine operation especially to older engine models. The pictures X-2, is a unique example of Group K. It is equipped with a West Coast expansion chamber, a flame arrester adaptor and an aftermarket filter. The restoration and the quality of the craftsmanship are beyond any comment.
>Kawasaki: 2007 Price list
Recently, Greek importers of Kawasaki Jet Ski, Teomoto S.A. readjusted the price list for the year 2007 of the Jet Ski models. Teomoto will import the new models (Ultra 250x, STX-15F, SXT-12F and the 800 SX-R) and also it will sell some units of the 1100 STX DI and the Ultra 150. According to Teomoto S.A. the price of the brand new Ultra 250X will reach the 17.250euros and the prices for the rest of the models appear as follows: STX-15F (14.800), SXT-12F9(12.950), 800 SX-R(8.900), 1100 STX DI(11.700) and the Ultra 150(11.500).
>Olivier Jacque rides an X-2
Former GP250 World Champion and current MotoGP Kawasaki Racing Team rider, Fenchman Olivier Jacque revealed in his interview at www.jetskiworld.gr that he is a fanatic personal water craft rider. Actually, Jacque is an owner of a brand new Kawasaki X-2 and currently keeps fit by riding it. Additionally, Jacque referred to the superb characteristics and the great feeling of the new hull of the X-2, details which proved that he is a very good rider and user of personal water crafts.
>Botti on testing in USA
Pascal Barriac, Team owner of the JFC Team, was in Florida along with young Frenchman, Jean B. Botti in order to carry out some testing at Riva Racing. Botti was keen on testing some special parts for the new Ultra 250X since he will compete with this model once again at the European Endurance Championship. According to Pascal, Botti tested and evaluated some parts (intake grate, ride plate, sponsons, etc). Both returned back to France and the Team expects to receive some more parts in order to continue the testing, possibly in Corsica.
>The new Ultra 250X in Greece soon
According to the Kawasaki importer, Teomoto A.E. the brand new Kawasaki Ultra 250X, will be distributed in Greece though the companys dealership at the end of March. Recently (9/2/07) the company has announced that the price of the 250horsepower Jet Ski, which costs 16.950euros, is a reasonable price according to the standards of its class. Additionally, Teomoto A.E. announced that they still have in stock some units of the Ultra 150 and the STX-1100 DI offered at a reasonable price.