Category Archives: RacingNews(ENG)


>The magnificent Jet Raid

Once again Jet Raid gave to pilots, staff and mechanics a different way to fill the jet ski life. After 1000 km of race and specials events in the Argentinean water they finished the event with a new World IJSBA raid champion, S.Ente, from Belgium. The beginning of the race was in the Parana Delta where the pilots had to go to different waypoints inside of hundreds of rivers. There A.Ferrer from Spain specialized in the Dakar and P.Fernandez took the front but the ocean arrived and the pilots with Kawasaki Ultra like Wispelaere and Moss took the advantage of that craft. Finally they won the f2 category. Anyway, Vivanco enjoyed the crowd with big jumps on the waves. With a special Yamaha suv 4 stroke from Audemar Jet, Bourseau (France) and Panoussis (Greece) battle against Boulay and Doukhi, also from France in the F2 category. They both finished in 2nd place in F2 class. The 2 off shores to Pinamar from San Bernardo with waves of more of 3m heart bodies and jets. S. Martinez (Uruguay) abandoned the race because of personal injures and the team Nel – Fritch from South Africa and Austria did the same because of a broken Ultra. Still on the race M.Ortiz (Spain), Aliaga (Peru), Saavedra (Argentina), Soto (Peru) and Casa (Uruguay), went on fighting against a wild sea. The race had to cross Samborombon Bay twice, a navigation of 120 km full of problems and bad weather. At least, the remained 12 pilots finished the race.

>New rules for Pro Ski is coming up

According to the information we got from a respective source from the US, IJSBA and APBA are working out a formula for changing the rules in the Pro Ski Open in order to raise the competition and make fare the battle between the four strokes and two strokes. Possibly the displacement will reach the 900 or even the 1000cc. Additionally, the tuners will allow the use of aftermarket cylinders equipped with power valves. Therefore, two strokes will have the required power in order to reach the performance (acceleration and top speed) of the turbo-charged four strokes. There is no doubt that the Pro Ski class will be more fun to watch than any other class at next years World Finals.

>The riders of Jet Raid 2007

France: R. boulay, J.M.Doucky, G.Bourseaux, T.Coeffet, Belgium: Wispelaere, P.Mosselman, S.Ente, G.Winogz, I.Beyts, L.Domenico Spain:M.Ortiz, M.Vivanco, G.Polo, I.Gomez, J.Oton, M.Palacios, J.Sanchez, E.Suñe Uruguay: S.Martinez, Leon, J.Diron, M. Casa, W.Casa, B.Casa, C.Betancurt, Santa Ana Argentina: J.C.Saavedra, D.Goes, F.Vieytes, J.Amoretti, J.Mazzella, M.Sarthou Peru:A.Laiga, R.Soto, M.Flores Brazil: R.Cangueiro, Greece: E.Panousis, South Africa: J.Nel Austria: M.Fritch. And the list goes on...

>Klippenstein: World Champion in Pro Ski

Canadian multi National and World Champion (19 World titles) Mike Klippenstein showed up even stronger this year on his specially tuned four stroke ski. Klipper was ahead of the field at the first moto maintaining a steady lead from aggressive Dauliach and Motzouris. On the 2nd moto Klippenstein played it safe by cruising smartly in 2nd place behind the leader Motzouris which was enough to bring him the mostly desirable Pro Ski World Title.

>Warner: First World title in Pro Runabout

Although, MacClugage and Farthing were not participating in the Pro Runabout class, the competition was intense and Craig Warner managed to keep up with it on his factory Kawasaki and gave a hard time to the well prepared turbocharged Sea Doo riders from Great Britain and Australia. After taking a relaxed win in the 1st moto he gave it all in the 2nd moto especially at the start by having a face to face drug start till the first hairpin out of the double slalom. Then he managed to maintain his lead and win his first ever world title, just the third four stroke world title for Kawasaki.

>Pro Am: World title for Barsby

Competition gets even more intense every year in the Pro Am women class. Japanese rider Emi Kanamori played the protagonist role in the class by being in a class of her own in the 1st moto. Young French rider Bulteau was ahead of the pack at the 2nd moto with Yuki and Emi trying to catch her up. Though, at the final lap Yuki hit Bulteau at the first hairpin out of the slalom leaving Kanamori to take her second win. Though, Kanamori was docked a lap due to a missing buoy therefore the title went finally to Barsby.

>First world title for freestyler Watanabe

Freestyle participation got better this year and more riders made it to the top class. Though competition was at a reasonable level and most riders pulled out maneuvers and tricks that were all ready shown in the past. Malone’s protégée Burgess made a big step ahead from last year and Lenzi showed up quite confident but with nothing new to reveal. On the other hand Japanese rider Fumikazu “Bun” Watanabe made a flawless routine with great aerial tricks. As a result he climbed to the highest level of the podium winning his first ever World Title in Pro Freestyle.

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