Hospitality, professionalism, and success were the words thrown around during the 2007 Kings Cup event. A record setting amount of countries, 24 in all, ascended on Pattaya City Thailand for the Thai Jet Sport Boating Association's most prestigious event. Princess Ubolratana presented the four King's Cup winners with their trophies before bestowing awards on the delegates. Among the delegates receiving special citation from Her Royal Highness was Carson Batcheldor who is a long time Technical Director for the IJSBA World Finals and is serving in the same capacity for the TJSBA. The winner receives a trophy, wreath, and a bottle of champagne which is traditionally shared with the audience in the form of a generous spraying. The winnwers of Pro Classes are: Pro Am Ski Open: Takenoshita Masaharu, Pro-Am Sport Modified: Michael Carstairs, Pro-Am Runabout 800 Open: Supadet Tansai, Pro-Am Runabout Open: Anthony Antees, Pro-Am Runabout 4-Stroke Stock: Pradit Buree, Freestyle: Alessander Lenzi.