Category Archives: RacingNews(ENG)


>Jet Raid rentals

The organization can offer personal water crafts for rent for the event of Jet Raid. YAMAHA GPR 1300- 2008- BLUE -READY FOR RACE PLUS MECANICHAL ASSISTANCE DURING THE RACE. There only three units, you are free to contact through by e-mail and ask for details.

>UIM Aquabike ClassPro World Championship – Cancellation Notice

“We are sad and disappointed to have to cancel the UIM-SPES Aquabike World Championship race in Sebastopol. Although, the race was announced in Cyprus by Mr. Arutenyants of the Ukranian Aquabike Federation, he never sent the guarantee and never signed the agreement”.

>The Jet Raid organisation in Chile

The Jet Raid organization has just visited Chile where it was held the launch of the Chilean team in our competition. Patricio Pato Camus is the leader of this team. We had the pleasure to navigate at his side on the pacific with 4m waves. In Peru everything is done to prepare the next round of the Barena championship which has already a new record of entrys with pilots from Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, which will participate in the World Raid Championship. The pacific is calm but they expect it to be hard this weekend. The organization together with the Peruvian Association are making the final arrangements on the sea book including a visit to the Hormiga Island, this will increase the length and difficulty of the 2008 edition.

>Welcome Guadeloupe – Update of Pilots 11/07/2008

With the arrival of Vincent Thomas from Guadeloupe to the 2008 edition of the Jet Raid its another country that joins the course. He made a very good work on the KARU JET 2008 for preparing his arrival to our competition. In his country it’s made the first competition of the year with many foreign glamorous pilots. He ended 11 in the general overall above the Jet Raid pilot Galo Polo. He will surely make a very good course this year. This is the update of the list of pilots to the 11 of July at

>Franky goes to Hollywood

The next 19th July it is going to be a special day for the Jet Raid. There are two reasons for this. One is the opening to be done in Peru, with the presence of pilots from Chile, Colombia and Uruquay to test the machine and the water of the Pacific. But in that event it will be also a lot of Peruvian Pilots to see if they are good enough to beat Pilots of the world cup. But there is one more. In Brazil the Liga Paulista is going to organize the first OPEN SEA in Guarulha for the start of the preparation of their teams for the Jet Raid. Franky Zapata the multiple French champion is going to be there with the support of Sea Doo Brazil. In this event also we will find our Jet Raid pilot, Reynaldo Cangueiro to test himself with the French champion and the champion from Havasu, Denisio Casarini. More info on

>News: addition of Expert Runabout Limited class in 2008 King’ Cup

On behalf of TJSBA refer to White Sand Beach Jet Ski King’s Cup 2008 – World Cup Grand Prix, we sent the race notice to you on June 16, 2008. We would like to inform that we will add one more class, Expert Runabout Limited, and the detail are as follows: Cash prize 400, 200, 100 US$ & entry fee 150 US$ The entry form can be sent to the riders via Thai Jet Sports Boating Association or by contact

>Jet Raid 2007 facts

This memo is in English in order to inform every one of certain facts. As everybody knows the problems we faced in Argentina with customs, the final result was that 2 jets did not pay custom taxes. The amount they had to pay is not a matter. It was because of the delay of those two teams to provide them to the transporters. By the way, the team Boulay-Douckhi did not pay the entry, the gasoline and the transportation of the jet. They still have to pay to the organization € 3250. The rest of the amount mentioned in reclamation is completely for Argentinean custom taxes. We can not do anything about this. All the documents of this matter are in the transporters. We are sorry because this problem is the responsibility of each participant to provide on time and in the right manner the documentation to get in and out a jet from a country. It happens all over the world and in each customs office you pass through. This is not new for some pilots and as they do not want to pay those taxes attempt and show the situation in a bad way. We have the right to start any legal responses because of their acts. We are here to answer any question that you would like to ask. Thanks for your support, Bruno Casa – Jet Raid Director

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