Category Archives: RacingNews(ENG)


>2009 IJSBA World Finals, October 10-18

The IJSBA is pleased to announce the dates for the 2009 IJSBA World Finals. The World Finals will be held from October 10 through October 18, 2009 at Crazy Horse Campgrounds in Lake Havasu City. This year will mark the 28th installment of the largest PWC in the world. While there are some details that must be worked out with the city, the IJSBA and Crazy Horse Campground are committed to preserve this event in Lake Havasu. Crazy Horse maintains an excellent location that has an established infrastructure which allows the IJSBA to put on the most efficient and cost effective event in the Lake Havasu City area. Lake Havasu City restaurants, hotels, and other businesses have done so much to welcome us and so many of you have established great working relationships with these entities. Everything will be done to maintain this arrangement. We realize that advance planning is necessary and we wanted to let you know, as early as possible, that you can safely make flight and travel plans to the Havasu/Mohave County area and know that they are secure. We can guarantee that the event will be held in this area on these dates. Please stay tuned to the IJSBA for more information about the 2009 World Finals as we will be releasing information rapidly over the next couple of weeks. Let’s hope that this year things will be better for the sport and IJSBA and the Affiliates will be able to attract all those racers and funs that had walked away.

>Jet Raid Results

Jet Raid 2008 The famous race of Jet Raid has finished and the official have already posted the Overall results as well as the results of each Class. The group of Marco Laurent and Greg have posted the results on behalf of the organization. Read all about it under the "Features"" section."

>Osawa is back

Who said that two times world champion Seiko Osawa had retired from jet ski racing. Recently had participated in a race in Japan along with other team members in an endurance race. Well come back Seiko, it is nice to see you back…

>Jet Raid Report

Jet Raid press office announced the following recent report: “This year really from the organization we feel happy of being giving the veteran pilots of the Jet Raid the magic that always the event had. They have joined a series of factors, the numbers of pilots and the quality of the same ones, the places that are really very beautiful, but besides Peruvian people´s support, the spirit of help among the pilots. That was and it will always be the engine of the event. In the sport, Pastorello heads the list and it will be a bone hard to gnaw. The early abandonment of Roufett, champion of Oleron Stock, due to mechanical issues. The inconvenience with a rock of the champion of the 2007 Ente from Belgium that it cause him after hitting a rock in the passage of the tunnels a break that it increases in the closed course of the afternoon and for end not to add in the whole day, they left to the French champion in unbeatable situation. It is not necessary to forget that either Ferrer of Spain or Vincent Thomas of Guadaloupe are watching and won’t be able to neglect. Vivanco of Spain not yet has given everything and at the end it can be defining, it is even favorite for us. In F2 the things improve for Moss - De Wispelaere that take the tip of the category, while the CASAS has a problem when helping in the aid to Ente in the tunnels but they continue there Ernst and Chesnell advance, and we even wait more from Moreno and Ferrer that had mechanical problems at the beginning. Today when you will be receiving this note we will be in Wakama after having made 120 km for water without recharge of gasoline. It is 6 in the morning in Paracas, the dolphins swim in front of the calm bay while the Jet Raid rises for a new day.”

>The Jet Raid is on

Finally the jets are arriving to the beach and we hear the sound of the race today we have a press conference and in the afternoon the mandatory pilot meeting the bad news is the mexican pilot Yogy Farias hurt himself during training and has to be hospitalized this take him out of the race we (the organisation) are sorry for this. The rest of the people (racers and organisers) are getting together prior starting the event, with is the 10th edition of it this year.

>King’s Cup 2008-Latest news

Refer to the closure of the BKK airport, but international riders are still traveling continuously to Thailand to participate in White Sand Beach Jet Ski King’s Cup 2008 – World Cup Grand Prix by using other airports like Utapao (30 minutes to Pattaya), Phuket Airport, Chiang Mai Airport and etc. Now more than 40% of international riders have arrived Pattaya such as Russia, England, Japan, France, Australia and USA. For your convenience, TJSBA and Watercross World – Asian Multi Sports have issued a rescheduled program as followed: Wednesday 3 December & Thursday 4 December 2008 10.00 – 16.00-Open registration for riders & team followers at the race site. Friday 5 December 2008 10.00 – 12.00-Safety inspection Novice/Amateur/Expert at TECH area. 13.00 – 15.00 - Safety inspection Pro/Pro-Am at TECH area. 18.30 - Welcome Party Saturday 6 December 2008 07.30 – 12.00-Moto 1 of 3 (all closed course categories) ---- LUNCH --- 12.30 – 17.00-Moto 2 of 3 (all closed course categories) 17.00 – 17.30-Novice/Pro Freestyle Run 1 Sunday 7 December 2008 09.00 – 12.00-Moto 3 of 3 (all closed course categories) ---- LUNCH ---- 13.00 – 15.00 Moto 3 of 3 continues Novice/Pro Freestyle Run 2 15.00 – 17.00-Reserved time for technical inspection 17.00-Official final result announcement 19.30 – 20.30-Prize giving ceremony at convention hall

>King’s Cup update #2

To all riders and teams: Right now the closest airport that still operates is Utapao airport. This airport is located in Rayong (About 30 minutes to Pattaya). If is possible please check with any airlines in your countries that there are flight to Utapao airport or not. Some riders catch a flight to Singapore and then connect to Utapao airport. There is another choice, in case there is no flight to Utapao airport, you can fly to Chiang Mai or Phuket and take a van or bus to Pattaya. Hope this information is useful for you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information. We would like to announce the postponement of the event schedule as followed: Thursday 4 & Friday 5 December 2008: registration day, Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 December 2008: Racing 3 motos. On behalf of TJSBA “Sorry for this inconvenience”.

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