Category Archives: RacingNews(ENG)


>Alaskan Wet Dog race

What is the Alaskan Wet Dog Race? Simply put the Alaskan Wet Dog Race is going to be the world's longest personal watercraft (PWC) endurance race and the goal is to have the largest prize payout in watercrafting history. This race will begin in the ocean at Whittier, Alaska and end over 2000 miles and 23 checkpoints later in a lake called Iliamna at the village of Iliamna . Over two thousand miles of rough and brutal watercraft riding, across Alaska's open oceans, rivers and lakes will not only test the stamina of man, but it will define which brand of watercraft is the best. This race will separate those who think they can ride from those who can. Riders will be challenged to know the watercrafts limits as well as their own personal limits. Do you as a rider know how to work on your machine if and when it breaks down? Do you know how far you can travel on a tank of fuel? Do you know what parts on your craft are most likely to break and do you have spare parts and the tools to fix them with you? Can you read and follow GPS coordinates? Did you prepare yourself for a trip that will take you across some 100 mile stretches of ocean with nothing in between? Are you prepared to tackle the elements that Alaska 's waters can throw at you like 10-25 foot seas, freezing rain, storms that can and have sunk many big ships, fog so thick that you will not know what direction is up? If you think you can then log in to to put your name on the list.

>Jet Raid 2009

After several negotiations with different countries like India, Indonesia and Mexico the organization has made the decision to do the next Jet Raid in Brazil. It will be from the 7 to November 15 in the waters of the Atlantic one again. In the official web site we will continue informing the riders the advances of the event this week end we will do the launching in the city of PENHA together with the first round of the Brazilian championship. The costs will be similar to those of the last year. We (Jet Raid Organisation) wait you for a new adventure between man and jet ski.

>S4 Cup supporting novice riders at French Championship

HSR-Benelli is happy to announce that there will be organised an exclusive S4 Cup to promote the entry of new riders in our PWC sport. The S4 Cup will take place during all closed circuit races of the French Championship. The overall champion of the S4 Cup will win an exclusive Series-S Pro Edition in order to support the rider on following the HSR-Benelli spirit and being able to participate in future competitions. S4 Cup regulations: This class is exclusive for novice riders, who took part in national races with maximum 1 year of experience. There should be a minimum number of 10 riders registered on the championship in order to fulfil regulations and win the Series-S Pro Edition at the end of the season. A valid registered rider must have a 2009 S4 which is registered by the riders dealer for this promotion. The dealer must send an e-mail to , with the hull and engine number of the unit and the name of the rider which is taking part in the championship, in order to confirm that it is a valid unit for the promotion. If there are less than 10 riders registered on the championship, the price will be an HSR-Benelli accessories ki.t HSR-Benelli will inform through its web site the updated.

>IJSBA 2009 Competition Rule Book

The 2009 IJSBA competition rulebook is available online in Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF format. You can download Acrobat Reader by clicking on the link in the IJSBA web You may download each section separately or the complete rule book. The IJSBA rulebook is also printed each year and distributed to all IJSBA competition members. Printed copies of the Rulebook are available for purchase by contacting the IJSBA at:

>ViPec and R&D at “Mark Hahn 300”

Mark Dobson of ViPec Ignition and Bill Chapin of R&D are getting together on a single project, to race a Yamaha FZR in Mark Hahn 300 on Feb 28th. Additionally they will team up with Chris MacClugage of Macc Racing who will pilot the Yamaha FZR. Dobson had already made his race debut with MacClugage in Thailand with a special Turbocharged SHO. Chris is already testing the FZR and he is pretty amazed by the performance of the overall package.

>King’s Cup video

There is no doubt about the fact that the organizers in Thailand are doing a great job to the set up of the particular race. Recently they provide us with a link of a video clip of King’s Cup 2008 race. Simply log in and take a brief idea of what the race is all about. King’s Cup video link:

>IJSBA: Announces 2009 economic relief plan

The IJSBA is pleased to announce an economic relief package for the PWC Racing community. Well, I (Frazier) guess we (IJSBA) aren’t really pleased that we have to announce it. We are just pleased we can do something about it. The IJSBA is a not-for-profit company and all monies received by the IJSBA are spent on the business of the sport. When there is sufficient capital to do so, the IJSBA will return money to the community by applying these funds in a manner to offset participation costs. The following will be the fee adjustments for 2009: Affiliate Fees will be reduced by 10%; World Finals Vendor Fees List Prices will be reduced by 10%, all World Finals classes that do not offer a pay-out will have the early registration prices reduced by 10%, all Rule Book advertising prices will be decreased by 30%, all web advertising will be reduced, and all World Finals banner package prices will be reduced by 50%. The IJSBA reserves the right to condition these discounts on a timely payment requirement and to withhold these discounts to persons who have past due debts to IJSBA. IJSBA realizes that 10% discounts are not jaw dropping amounts, but, to drop further could put some necessary operations and services at risk. This temporary adjustment provides some relief against inflation and, when applied cumulatively, will keep well more than tens of thousands of dollars in your pockets. The IJSBA can only guarantee this offering for the 2009 calendar year. However, the IJSBA fees are based upon the costs incurred by IJSBA for its normal business activities. If the prices of goods and services drop by 2010 (which they sometimes do after periods of recession due to drops in demand) then some of these price decreases may be repeated. Complete details will be announced in March 2009 when the registration process begins. For more information please contact the International Jet Sports Boating Association by emailing or by calling +1-(714)-751-8695

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