December 1-6, Pattaya City, Thailand: The great success of last years tournament was a proud result of the cooperation of the International Jet Sports Boating Association (IJSBA), the Thai Jet Sports Boating Association (TJSBA) and Watercross World by Asian Multi Sports and Entertainment Co., Ltd who is the organizer and copy right owner of the event. We including riders, supporting team members and all participants created together a gorgeous racing ambience and an impressive race for our world sport industry. With the continuous expansion of the tournament, we would like to inform about the racing categories open for the 2009 event for preparation of all teams. Pro Categories: Limited for only the top 4 best riders or official representatives of each country. Cash Prize (USD) Fee (USD) 1. Pro Ski Open 15,000 / 7,500 / 3,750 $350 2. Pro Sport 800 Modified 10,000 / 5,000 / 2,500 $350 3. Pro R/A 800 Open 10,000 / 5,000 / 2,500 $350 4. Pro R/A Open 15,000 / 7,500 / 3,750 $350 5. Pro Freestyle 3,000 / 1,500 / 750 $250 Remarks : All Sport modified categories will be changed to Sport GP in year 2010. Further details will be provided in this year tournament. Pro-Am Categories (Open to all entries.) 6. Pro-Am Ski Open 1,000 / 500 / 250 $225 7. Pro-Am R/A Open 1,000 / 500 / 250 $225 8. Pro-Am R/A 4 Stroke Stock 600 / 300 / 150 $225 Expert and Amateur Categories (Open to all entries.) 9. Expert R/A 2 Stroke 1300 Open 600 / 300 / 150 $150 10. Amateur Ski Limited 400 / 200 / 100 $150 11. Amateur R/A 800 Limited 400 / 200 / 100 $150 12. Amateur Veterans R/A Open (40+) ** 400 / 200 / 100 $150 13. Amateur Women Ski Limited 400 / 200 / 100 $150 14. Amateur Freestyle 250 / 120 / 60 $150 Novice Categories (Open to all entries.) 15. Novice Ski 2 Stroke Stock 250 / 120 / 60 $135 16. Novice R/A Stock 250 / 120 / 60 $135