The organization of the Jet Raid is at this time in Brazil attending a new stage of the local championship. The last update is as follows: We have already checked that a important group of teams of this country, begin to follow the idea of participating in this adventure. Such they are the cases of the multiple champion of Havasu, Celio Vinicius that has confirmed their participation in the structure of the team Jet Pilot as well as of the several time champion, Deninho Casarini also on board it Sea Doo in their sport structure, one of the most important from Brazil. On the other hand the competitions of Closed Course in this country are classic although with little experience in the Off Shore, anyway in September the realization of the second Open Sea ,that last year Frankie Zapata won, will give them the chance to get ready. We are seeing the possibility to be able to invite some pilots from the Jet Raid to this competition. This event will prepare them for the World Cup in November.