Two of Australia’s finest jet ski racers, Brett Douglas and Mitch Wayt are currently in Lake Havasu in the US to bring home the ultimate trophy in the prestigious Mark Hahn 300 race. The guys have been prepping for this for quite some time and they have been driven by one thing and one thing only. “Doing it for Cam” was the response I got from Brett when I asked him a while ago if he was doing Mark Hahn this year. The team over there is one man short and to them it will feel like the heart of the team is not there with them, their sponsor, there mate, their mentor, the heart of the team. Cameron Martin was taken away to soon from his family his friends and from our sport, so I know these guys are over there “Doing It For Cam” and he will be there In spirit standing on the beach waiting for his boys to come back in. So join me with some words of inspiration for this awesome crew we have representing Australia and most importantly representing our mate Cameron Martin. Bring it home boys!