The Norwegian Motorsports Federation hosts an annual Galla to honor its top athletes, role models, best event of the year, coaches and up and coming young athletes. The Norwegian Motorsports Federation is divided into 4 sections; Boat sports, Motorcycle sports, Snowmobile sports and Remote controlled motorsports. Each section consists of many different sports (Trial, motocross, aquabike, offshore, quad, etc) and there are 20 different sports in total under the Norwegian Motorsports Federation. At the Galla all of these sports meet to honor their own and each others top athletes, organizers and coaches. And so it is a great honor to get an award at this galla as it is not only from your own sport, but you are also being measured up against people from all of these 20 different sports. I have received the "boat sports athlete of the year" award 3 times and the highest award of all; "Motorsports Athlete of the year" twice. This year I received a very different award. Coach of the year. This is a big honor to me and I truly appreciate receiving this prestigious award. Looking forward, this is a great motivation for me to continue my work with our fine young athletes and help guiding them into their future and the future of our sport. Photo courtesy: Stian Andre Schjetlein