Low entries in Runabout Pro classes

The high cost to build and to maintain such a race boat in a very good conditions are the main resons that made riders to retire from Pro Runabout Modified and GP Runabout classes at the 2018 Blowsion IJSBA World Finals. The Modified class had only 7 entries whilst Gp Runabout class had 8 entries. Also, it is worth noting that the manufacturers were ones again upsent from those classes and no one sponsored or bought any rider. On the other hand people realized the groth of Pro Ski classes and especially Pro Ski Modified class. New comer 1500 SX-R proved that this is the future in stand- up racing and there were more riders using these ski in all classes. Kawasaki plaied key role since the launch of Kawasaki 1500 SX-R.

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