>B7Sport news

Superb week end in Porto Vecchio for the Team B7sport for the World championship UIM with Mikael Poret who become World Champion UIM Slalom. Good performance of Jeremy Poret too who takes the 3th place of the podium in Slalom and the 3th place in closed course. Final podium Slalom: 1 Mikael Poret, Jean Batiste Botti, 3 Jeremy Poret. Final podium in Closed course: 1 Steven Dauliach, 2 Franky Zapata, 3 Jeremy Poret. In ladies Class very good race for the Team B7sport again with the victory of Julie Bulteau (B7), Second place for Anya Colley(B7) and 3th place of Alicia Aida. In Runaboot class victory went to Teddy Pons, second to James Bushell and 3th to Jordi Thomas.

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