The IJSBA is pleased to announce an economic relief package for the PWC Racing community. Well, I (Frazier) guess we (IJSBA) arent really pleased that we have to announce it. We are just pleased we can do something about it. The IJSBA is a not-for-profit company and all monies received by the IJSBA are spent on the business of the sport. When there is sufficient capital to do so, the IJSBA will return money to the community by applying these funds in a manner to offset participation costs. The following will be the fee adjustments for 2009: Affiliate Fees will be reduced by 10%; World Finals Vendor Fees List Prices will be reduced by 10%, all World Finals classes that do not offer a pay-out will have the early registration prices reduced by 10%, all Rule Book advertising prices will be decreased by 30%, all web advertising will be reduced, and all World Finals banner package prices will be reduced by 50%. The IJSBA reserves the right to condition these discounts on a timely payment requirement and to withhold these discounts to persons who have past due debts to IJSBA. IJSBA realizes that 10% discounts are not jaw dropping amounts, but, to drop further could put some necessary operations and services at risk. This temporary adjustment provides some relief against inflation and, when applied cumulatively, will keep well more than tens of thousands of dollars in your pockets. The IJSBA can only guarantee this offering for the 2009 calendar year. However, the IJSBA fees are based upon the costs incurred by IJSBA for its normal business activities. If the prices of goods and services drop by 2010 (which they sometimes do after periods of recession due to drops in demand) then some of these price decreases may be repeated. Complete details will be announced in March 2009 when the registration process begins. For more information please contact the International Jet Sports Boating Association by emailing or by calling +1-(714)-751-8695