>Hot Products Supports Junior Racing

Hot Products to Provide Special Prizes for Junior Classes in Nashville. The APBA is excited to announce that Hot Products, the leading distributor of PWC parts and accessories, is sponsoring the Junior classes at the Hydro-Turf APBA Watercross Nationals in Nashville Tennessee on August 29-31. “The Junior classes are the future of our sport and we are pleased to be able to support Junior class racing”, said Ken Chu of Hot Products. “Nashville is a first class event and we are pleased to be able to support the Juniors and the APBA Watercross Nationals”. Hot Products will be supplying 3 Grand Prizes for the Junior Ski classes. The prizes will be a X-Box 360, a Nintendo Wii and a Sony Playstation Portable. There are 3 Junior Ski classes – Junior Ski 10-12 Stock, Junior Ski 13-15 Stock and Junior Ski 13-15 Limited. For the class with most riders, the X-Box 360 will be presented to the winner. The winner of the second largest class will be awarded the Nintendo Wii and the third largest class will win the Playstation Portable. If a rider wins more than one Junior class then the 2nd place rider in the second class will be presented the award. Special Thanks to Hot Products for the generous support of Junior class racing in the United States and our sport.

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