The TJSBA has released the following information which is very beneficial to those persons interested in attending the prestigious Kings Cup event in Pattaya, Thailand. US$ 670. Sea freight your jet ski to Kings Cup World Cup 2008, Thailand (Round Trip). Due to the fact that many riders have expressed their interest in participating in the King's Cup World Cup 2008 in Thailand but are troubled by the huge freight expense, International Jet Sport Boating Association (IJSBA) and Thai Jet Sport Boating Association (TJSBA) with Watercross World-Asian Multi Sports and Entertainment Co,Ltd. are proud to announce a scheme to alleviate such financial burden. With the support scheme, riders from around the world are offered a flat, sea-freight rate of only $670 USD per craft. This rate is applicable for a group of six crafts or more traveling in the same container on the same route. Service is available on the following routes: Contact IJSBA Affiliated Countries, North America USA APBA Canada WCWA, South America South Africa SAJSBA, Europe Spain JSBAE, England JSRA, Belgium BJSBA, Italy FIM, Serbia JSSS, Oceanic Australia AJSBA New Zealand NZJSBA, Asia Indonesia IJBA, Japan JJSF, Korea KJSBA, Kuwait KJSF, Philippines JSAP