Recently IJSBA published the 2008 rule book with a 4 month delay. On the cover, the photo of Mike Klippenstein (the Canadian Pro Ski 2007 world champion) was not included among the rest of the photos. Actually, instead of his photo IJSBA officials decided to put the picture of Dustin Motzouris. No offence, but did Motz ended up second? Even if IJSBA wants to make an embargo to Hydrospace this is not the way to treat a multi world champion from Canada. Not to mention that Klippers photo was also missing form the World Finals story of the oldest American personal water craft magazine. The sport needs everybodys help to get better, though issues like those ones do not bring more racers to the sport and to the World Finals. Back in 2002 there were more than 2000 participants. Do you happen to know how many they were listed last year?