This is the best limited SX-R I have ever ridden. The engine response is superb, limited, crispy and it revs up nicely. It pulls out quite strongly from low rpm without hesitating. You exit the turn with no problems what so ever. The power band is wide while it spreads nicely giving the most wanted top speed that is required by the class standards. Since last year, the team has made noticeable improvements in terms of engine response and crispness. Handling wise is good with no big surprises. The plate is different this year, a bit longer than last year which keeps the nose down when you hit the gas. I could level the hull easier even without using the trim system which I think was too hard to use anyway. Most probably Seiko uses it only at the start and not during the race. If I had an option to buy a limited race craft this would be one of them, at least among the ones I have ridden. The top speed of Seikos SX-R is 59mph.