This is the best Limited SX-R that belongs to the World Champion, Seiko Osawa. After the World Finals, I rode this race craft at the Body Beach and I was really surprised with its behavior. The engine has a great, crispy response through the rpm band, providing great acceleration out of the hole and at medium rpm. Horsepower is spread in such a way that it does not wear you out. The SE ride plates along with the JSU sponsons provide superb handling. Additionally, the handling is enhanced by a good hook up of the aftermarket scoop and pump. The SE handle pole and steering assembly feels rigid and lightweight. The basic ingredients of the engine are the SE cylinder head and carbs, the Factory Pipe exhaust system, the Advent ignition, the Skat-Trak pump and the SE drop nozzle. Congratulations to the Tjusimoto Team and the World title winner Seiko Osawa.