Sunday, 7th of June was the first round of the world championship Aquabike UIM in Porto Vecchio, Corsica. The race was on 2 moto, each 15 minutes and one lap. Steven Dauliach is the great winner of this event with is 4th place in moto 1 and with the Win in moto 2. During moto one JB Botti get the holeshot in front of Jeremy Poret and Franky Zapata. Steven is 17th on the first lap because of a crash in the first corner, he came back from the back to the 4th place right in Franky Zapatas wake for the finish lap. In moto 2 Franky Zapata get the holeshot following by JB Botti, Steven is 5th. Quickly JB Botti get the lead and Steven is second. On lap 8 Steven make a move on JB Botti and pass him, right after JB Botti is pulling out cause of the technical problems. Stevens HSR was specially made for this event by Laurent Tourlant, Gino, Olivier Polo. Steven and his team have been working several weeks before this event to make it perfect. Romain Randazzo riders of Dauliach Jet Ski Racing was unlucky because a competitor crashed on him and destroyed his race boat during the Chrono session. Finally he get the 13th place for is first participation to an international event. Steven Dauliach is now leading the 2009 European Championship and the World championship.