>Mark Hahn 300: Saito report

Mr Scott Saito of Hot Products was a part of sponsor of this event. As he had recently informed us he is trying new ideas and ways of sponsoring. Hot Products USA was always involved into racing. Mr Saito mentioned “This event is become larger and popular every year; two rider/team do race 300miles for about 6hours. All class start at same time, around 10:00am and the race was completed around 4:00-5:00pm.” Additionally he said that this year the strong wind and the choppy water where that facts that made riders fatigue rise early during the race. He completed his report by saying “I saw Dustin Farthing racing on a Team TBM Ultra260. I also saw MacClugage and Rius there. I also heard that there was an entry of a team of Slovakia and France from Europe this year. This is very interesting and Hot Products considers of having greater involvement into this event as sponsor next year.”

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