The weekend went well! Our Expert rider got 2nd place. My good friend and Web designer Sean Workman showed at the event to drop off some product for me and I convinced him to race the ski that I had build for Steven Dauliach for the Finals. It was pretty fun since he had not ridden a ski since his last race at the world finals in 2006. He hole shotted the first moto and lead most of the race until he hit a course marker and went down. He got up and ended up finishing 2nd place in the first moto. He was so tired after the first race that he had to lay in the back of the trailer for 3 ours until the second moto. The second moto he holeshotted again and lead the entire race and won the over all. We had a great time and the event went very well. Its good to see Workman coming back in action. Good job and we hope he will show up at the next race...