This is the flyer being distributed to the fisherman and the oceanic villages in the efforts to find Jeremy. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think may be of help. This update comes on October 28, 1:30 PM local time in Bali. After numerous meetings and interviews with police and other officials, the authorities have agreed that there is good cause to continue the searching for missing official, Jeremy Hoyland. Interviews with the technical officials of the Jet Ski portion of the Asia Beach Games led the authorities to conclude that the circumstances under which Jeremy went missing along with Jeremys ability to survive against the odds were substantial factors in extending the search efforts. The PWC community would like to specifically thank the Bali Police especially the Chief of Police, the IJSBA, Fully Aswar, the Chief of the Navy, the Search and Rescue division of the Navy, the battleship commanders who allocated their time, the helicopter force and the private helicopter entities that joined, the capital of Jakarta for sending resources, the Army, Shawn Alladio and the extended K 38 Staff, and all of the private persons such as the local fishing community. We appreciate that you are all doing everything possible to find our friend. We also would like to extend our appreciation to all of the friends and supporters that have offered their support, well wishes and resources towards this search effort. As of today, oceanic searches are continuing and extensive land searches are now launching. The IJSBA remains hopeful and we will update all of you with any information when it becomes available. We appreciate that all of you have kept the focus on supporting Jeremy and the search efforts.