>Rius will race in GP Classes

Frenchman multi time World and European Champion Nicolas “The Fighter” Rius will attend this year the World Finals but instead of Racing in Pro classes he will race in GP Classes (GP Ski and GP Runabout). He will use a freshly tuned carbon hull Yamaha Super Jet in GP Ski that features new hull and engine modifications. Additionally, his Super Jet is equipped with new front sponsons, new power valve motor set up, an R&D modified ride plate and brand new graphics. In GP class Nicolas will use a KawaYamaha (a Kawasaki hull will a Yamaha motor and Yamaha deck) that is equipped with a supercharged intercooled motor with special, programmable ignition. Rius is sponsored this year by: Rius Racing, Yamaha, S.M.P.I. Oakley, Wiseco, DASA, GO2, Quakysense, and OND Helmets.

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