IJSBA Begins Registration for 2008 quakysense World Finals The IJSBA is pleased to announce that registration for the 2008 quakysense World Finals is now open. Registration and schedule information are available at www.ijsba.com/wf. Early registration is encouraged to ensure that some classes do not close or are not altered. Competitors are reminded of the following registration rules for 2008: GP Ski is limited to 20 entries. Competitors must possess an IJSBA recognized license as a Pro or an Expert level rider. Competitors must be approved by the IJSBA and their registration in this class is not official until the entry is approved and funds are received. GP Runabout is limited to 18 entries. Competitors must possess an IJSBA recognized license as a Pro or an Expert level rider. Competitors must be approved by the IJSBA and their registration in this class is not official until the entry is approved and funds are received. Junior Runabout 800 Limited is limited to 12 entries. This class will require 6 entries by September 14 to be run. Pro-Am Vet Ski Limited is limited to 24 entries. This class will require 10 entries by September 14 to be run. Masters Ski Stock is limited to 24 entries. This class will require 10 entries by September 14 to be run. Amateur Classic Runabout Stock is limited to 20 entries. This class will require 8 entries by September 14 to be run. Amateur Runabout 800 Superstock is limited to 20. This class will require 8 entries by September 14 or the class will merge with Pro/Am Runabout 800 Superstock and will become Runabout 800 Superstock. Junior Sick Trick requires 5 entries by September 14. The controlled classes mentioned were requested by the racing public and will be offered so long as there is a market demand. Please forward any questions to the IJSBA by emailing: info@ijsba.com or by calling +1-(714)-751-8695.