Reigning world champion Craig Warner is racing the Kawasaki Ultra 250X this year and has been pretty satisfied with the results of the first two rounds of the APBA National Tour. Although he was unlucky during the first moto (broken supercharger belt) he dominated during the second round by winning both motos. According to Warner, Team Kawasaki uses an engine similar to the 15F Supercharged engine set up for the Ultra. The new craft is fast but different in terms of handling and certainly its heavy. Both the 15F and the Ultra have advantages and disadvantages in terms of overall performance, Team Kawasaki will prepare both for the World Finals and depending on the situation (course, weather, etc) will decide which one to use for the Pro Runabout class. Craig Warners sponsors are: KAWASAKI (KMC-USA), Monster Energy, TroyLee Designs, Hydro-turf, Skat-trak, Slippery wetsuits, and Vortec superchargers.