The 2008 edition of the Jet Raid will be held in Peru from the 29th of November to 7th of December. During this time we have been thinking about the different options and without taking out any chance to the others countries we took the decision of choose the mystic Peru for the 8th edition. Together with the Peruvian JetSki Association and with the homologation of IJSBA we are going to have the World IJSBA Raid Championship. The Jet Raid organisation is proud to have this year the help of a group of fanatics of the jet ski like its president Anibal Aliaga. In this edition we are going to celebrate 10 years giving challenges and we promise to pilots and participants an unforgettable experience. We hope to have the sea book and the waypoints at the end of February and we keep on working to find economical solutions to have a low budget for the pilots. Jet Raid 10 Years of Adventure.