>EJSBA: Revamped

The EJSBA has been created as a non-profit and democratic Association. The 3 founders are: Yves Van Heers, Michel Bulteau and Thierry Schraff. The three founders together with Franky Zapata - elected Riders representative, Pascal Barriac - elected Brands representative, have been temporarily elected to carry out duties on behalf of the EJSBA. Later this year when further elections will take place to select three additional representatives from the affiliated countries, the Temporary Board will then be officially elected to either continue on or relinquish their duties. The Temporary Board of Directors functions are: Thierry Schraff: President, Yves Van Heers: General Secretary, Michel Bulteau: Treasurer. All expenses will be submitted to the Board of Directors, any payments made will require two signatures. The official and legal creation of the EJSBA came to fruition on 18th of January 2008 in the city of Brussels at the offices of Government official Notary Hervé Behaegel.

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