>Waki Jet Rally Raid

For the first time the most important Rally Raid in jet-ski never realized to this day. From 8 till 17 November 2008. During 8 days, in the course of the stages made in villages, the participants will highlight their sports and human qualities. They will discover this fabulous territory: French Guyana and its ambassador le Maroni. Every team of two team members will have to go through, about 1500km offshore and on the river. From Cayenne, they will join high Maroni, Amerindian entity and brown blacks, that Amazonian forest frames legendary. Height days of race, navigation, speed, physical stamina, adrenalin, discovery, adventure… The Waki-Jet is definitively unique. Further information: DMC EVENTS France, Jacques Metivet GSM: +33.(0), e-mail: dmcevents@aol.com or www.wakijet.com

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