>IJSBA World Moto Surf Championship to be held in Australia on May 4, 2008

IJSBA World Moto Surf Championship to be held in Australia on May 4, 2008 On Sunday 4th May, some of the worlds best jetski riders will compete in the World Surf Moto, held in Australia for the third year running.This is the first year the surf titles have been held at Kingscliff and organisers are expecting a huge turnout. Riders will battle it out in the biggest and meanest surf in the world. Spectators are more than welcome to come and watch the racing (free entry) with some of the world and Australia’s best ski, runabout & sport riders who will be after a World Title. Riders from New Zealand and America are expected to attend. Past competitors at this event include Dustin Farthing, Chris Fischetti, Jeff Jacobs, Anthony Antees and Victor Sheldon. There will be premium trophies and cash prizes on offer, plus bragging rights to the “World Moto Surf Champion”. Keep an eye out on the website for details. For information and enquiries call Dan Fox on +61 401 679 744 or visit http://www.jscb.org.au/

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