Yamaha Europe has asked EJSBA to update the SJ to the SJ RR and EJSBA agreed. Therefore, every owner of a standard Super Jet 701, old or new model, can now update their boat to SJ RR model 2006 spec. You will now be allowed to run the cylinder, piston kits, cylinder head and gaskets from the 760 RR specifications. We will also allow the use of Rius Racing hull extensions and the use of any aftermarket exhaust systems. If a new model of the Yamaha SJ RR comes out in 2008, you will only be allowed to update your old SJ to the new spec in 2009. The 760 cylinder, piston kits, cylinder head and gaskets can also be used in the Limited class. For any quarries please do contact with mr Yves Van Heers at yvesvanheers@telenet.be