Once again Jet Raid gave to pilots, staff and mechanics a different way to fill the jet ski life. After 1000 km of race and specials events in the Argentinean water they finished the event with a new World IJSBA raid champion, S.Ente, from Belgium. The beginning of the race was in the Parana Delta where the pilots had to go to different waypoints inside of hundreds of rivers. There A.Ferrer from Spain specialized in the Dakar and P.Fernandez took the front but the ocean arrived and the pilots with Kawasaki Ultra like P.de Wispelaere and Moss took the advantage of that craft. Finally they won the f2 category. Anyway, Vivanco enjoyed the crowd with big jumps on the waves. With a special Yamaha suv 4 stroke from Audemar Jet, Bourseau (France) and Panoussis (Greece) battle against Boulay and Doukhi, also from France in the F2 category. They both finished in 2nd place in F2 class. The 2 off shores to Pinamar from San Bernardo with waves of more of 3m heart bodies and jets. S. Martinez (Uruguay) abandoned the race because of personal injures and the team Nel Fritch from South Africa and Austria did the same because of a broken Ultra. Still on the race M.Ortiz (Spain), Aliaga (Peru), Saavedra (Argentina), Soto (Peru) and Casa (Uruguay), went on fighting against a wild sea. The race had to cross Samborombon Bay twice, a navigation of 120 km full of problems and bad weather. At least, the remained 12 pilots finished the race.